Thursday 16 December 2010

Production: Recording my narration

After going over the content of my narration with my parents, to check that they thought it gave an accurate representation of our daily lives, I started to think about how I would record it.

My class mates had suggested that I record myself talking tot he camera in a 'video diary' style and then intersperse clips of me with the footage of Matthew. However, my film is already almost 4 minutes long and with the maximum length being five minutes, I was concerned that this would leave me with even more editing to do! I also decided that recording just a voice narration would be quicker, so with my deadline approaching fast, it seemed like the best option.

I still used my camera to record the narration, but I didn't intend to use the footage of me talking, just the sound. I set it up on a tripod in order to film myself and managed to do it in one take! There were a few mistakes, but these could be edited out in iMovie later.

When I started to put my narration over the top of my film, I realised I needed to cut it down slightly, as there were some clips of Matthew where I wanted to keep the diegetic sound. Thankfully I only had to cut out the odd sentence here and there to make it fit.

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