Monday 29 November 2010

Production: Editing my footage

This is the second half of all the footage I have edited for my short film

I am slightly concerned about the grainy quality of my footage on the YouTube videos, as my footage does not look like that in iMovie. However, I am hoping that the low picture quality is due to the fact that I chose the option 'share for web streaming.' After putting all my footage together I realised that I do not need to film anymore footage as I already have 17 minutes worth and the recommended maximum length for my short film is 5 minutes. Therefore I need to cut down my footage to the most interesting parts, or the parts that I think best show what Matthew is really like. During the lesson I showed my footage so far to my classmates and they gave some great feedback about what they would like to see in my film. They thought that it would be good if I had narration over some of the slower pieces of footage, but leaving the sound on for some of them could be quite poignant. They also suggested that I included footage of myself or my parents talking, as this would give the narration a more personal feel, as the viewer would be able to see my expressions and reactions. They also asked me lots of questions about Matthew which gave me an idea of what people wanted to know, which will help me in my editing process and when writing my narration.

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