In preparation for the audience feedback lesson I prepared some questions that I wanted my classmates to answer about my short film;
1) Do you think the juxtapostioning of the clips of Matthew and the non diegetic sound of his Leap Pad at the beginning of the film works well?
2) Is the content of my narration clear and interesting? Does it leave you with any unanswered questions?
3) Instead of recording myself talking to the camera as originally planned, I decided to record a narration instead. Do you think some 'video diary' type clips would have been better? Do my emotions and feelings still come across?
4) Did you find the mixture of diegetic sound and narration confusing?
5) Do you think the clips I used of Matthew were varied and interesting? Does it detract your attention from the narration?
6) Do you think the content was effective? Does it fit in with the conventions of short documentaries?
7) Do you have any other suggestions?