Friday 15 October 2010

Planning; Target audience

Unlike in my AS project, where my product had a clear target audience which could be categorised by age, gender and interests, for my A2 project I will have to approach the topic of target audience slightly differently. My documentary project has no specific target audience in terms of age, gender or interests; I am simply pitching it to anyone who wants to find out more about autism and gain a deeper insight into what it is like to live with a family member with the condition. This group of people would be known as my 'intended target audience.' However, my product as lo has a secondary audience, as I believe that people may also want to watch my documentary if they themselves have a family member with autism. They would be interested to see in what ways my experiences are similar and different to theirs and also to see how I have represented autism to a wider audience. They would not be watching it for the same informative reasons as my intended target audience and they would already know a lot about autism.

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