Tuesday 7 September 2010

Proposal for Advanced Portfolio

Name: Amy Scott

Title of Brief: Written brief for my short film

Outline of ideas: My short film will take the form of a documentary about living with a sibling with autism, with the main focus being on my brother Matthew who is diagnosed with severe autism, profound learning difficulties and ADHD. I aim to give an insight into how autistic children behave and how their diagnosis affects the rest of their family.

Auxiliary Products: Poster for the film, film magazine review page

Target Audience: (age, gender, socio/economic group) Like many documentaries, the content will be suitable for anyone to watch, therefore it will be aimed at anyone who has an interest in autism; either on a professional or personal level. It will be mainly aimed at people who do not have much experience of children with autism as it will hopefully help them gain a better understanding of the condition, but it may also be of interest to people who have an autistic member of their family as they may want to see how my experiences compare to their own.

How will your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? What is your inspiration? My idea is based upon the series of '3 minute wonder' films which are often shown before prime time shows on Channel 4. My film will follow conventions of documentaries such as the style of filming and the use of either a voice over or clips of people talking directly to the camera. I believe that what will make my product unique is my subject matter. In my experience of documentaries about autistic people, I haven't seen any that have included a child like Matthew, whose limited speech and unpredictable behaviour make him a challenging subject matter. Also, I haven;t seen any which focus on what it is like for the siblings of people with autism.

How will your main product and ancillary texts compliment each other? Whilst documentaries are not normally marketed in the same way as blockbuster films may be, they are still promoted, especially if they are appearing at a film festival. The poster and magazine review page with give the audience more of an idea about what the documentary is about and will make it seem more accessible, as some people are put off watching documentaries as they are stereotyped as being boring. Marketing it in a way similar to a film may change people's view.

How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I will use a video camera and editing software such as iMovie and photoshop in the construction stage. I will primarily use the internet in my research, using video websites such as YouTube to watch existing short films for inspiration and other film related websites like IMDb to find out other useful information. My blog will be an important part of my planning as it will keep all of my work in one place. My evaluation will most likely take the form of a Powerpoint presentation or even a video presentation.

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